A beautiful bouquet of English Wildflower Dried Flowers that are perfect for elevating your home decor or giving to your chosen loved one as a gift.
Many dried flowers on the market are imported. A key difference with ours? We hand make each bouquet with high quality dried flowers grown in England, UK.
Dried Flowers have many benefits: they’re ultra low-maintenance, require no water, eco-friendly, have a lower carbon footprint and last much longer than fresh cut flowers! To keep our carbon footprint as low as possible and to ensure the best quality we hand make our bouquets with only the best English flowers. We cut our bouquet stems to a length of approximately 34cm to ensure they're ready to go straight in a vase! All of our bouquets come beautifully wrapped.
This beautiful bouquet is ideal for delivering as gift. You have the option to write a personal message to your gift receiver which will be neatly laid out opposite the flowers as soon as they open the box. You can enter your free gift message when you go to your basket!
Concerned about a loved one receiving your gift? Don't worry we've got got you covered, we ship all orders with full tracking, so you'll be able to locate your parcel at any point!
This bouquet contains:
Apricot Statice
White Limonium
Blue Delphinium
Pink Lagurus
Pink Helichrysum
Natural Lagurus
Pink Avena Oats
White Delphinium
Blue Lagurus
Grey Delphinium
White Avena Oats
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